stoicism children's books

From The Stoic Fable Book by Phil Van Treuren

stoic fable book for kids 38

Listen to the Narration:

Heron was standing quietly in the creek one morning, trying to catch some breakfast, when an eager young duck paddled up to him.

“Look what I can do!” the duck said, then plunged his head under the water. He came back up, dripping wet, with some pondweed clutched in his bill.

“Did you see? Did you see?” the duck asked Heron as he flapped his wings triumphantly.

“Yes, I saw,” said Heron, as patiently as he could. “It’s an impressive feat, but you really don’t need my approval. If you need a witness, just be your own.”

For Parents: What Stoic Quote Does This Story Illustrate?

“If you are ever tempted to look for outside approval, realize that you have compromised your integrity. If you need a witness to your virtue, be your own.”


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