Here’s some information about our mission, editorial process and commitment to helping others with authoritative, trustworthy information on Stoic philosophy.
Stoic Simple® exists for one reason: to help people understand how Stoicism can help them have happier, more fulfilling lives. Our goal is to earn our reputation as a trusted source of information about Stoic philosophy, and to provide the best resources online for anyone who wants to learn about Stoicism.
Stoic Simple is proud of the resources, guides and articles that we’ve currated, which include the following:
- Guide to Stoicism: a Glossary of Stoic Terms, Concepts & Principles
- The Stoic Parenting Guide
- Ask Marcus Aurelius: Ancient Stoicism Advice
- The Best Stoicism Quotes, Stoic Sayings & Famous Phrases
Our Editorial Style
We’re committed to making the concepts of Stoic philosophy simple and understandable for people from a diverse cross-section of ages, experiences and educational backgrounds. We believe that Stoicism is one of the greatest tools for happier living that humanity has ever created, and that its core teachings should be available and accessible to as many people as possible.
Everyone deserves to know the secrets to minimizing negative emotions and living a courageous, meaningful life, regardless of what schools they’ve attended or how many books they’ve read.
Toward that end, our policy is to publish articles and guides about Stoicism that utilize simple, straightforward writing. Stoic concepts can be explained in ways that aren’t intimidating to readers without a background in philosophy, and we want the content published here to reflect that.
Our Editorial Process
Our team of writers create articles on the Stoic Simple website using thorough research, and we aren’t afraid to debunk common myths and misconceptions about Stoicism (yes, there are lots of them out there). Stoicism isn’t a cure-all or panacea, and there’s nothing magical about it. It’s just a set of guidelines for thinking in a way that makes us happier.
We also make a point of checking to ensure that Stoic quotes on our website come from the actual philosophers and historical figures quoted, and include links to relevant sources whenever possible.
We’re not perfect, though, and we realize that everyone can make mistakes. If you notice any errors on our website, we’d be grateful if you would let us know by emailing with the details.