stoicism children's books

From The Stoic Fable Book by Phil Van Treuren

stoic fable book for kids 17

Listen to the Narration:

Chipmunk had finally found the perfect glade for a new home, but an ugly stump sat right where she wanted to dig her burrow.

She brought Raccoon to the glade and showed him the stump.

Raccoon shrugged. “If you must live here and this stump is in your way, then perhaps it will have to become the way,” he said.

The advice gave Chipmunk an idea, and she started burrowing into the soft wood of the stump. When Chipmunk’s hard work was done, the stump had become her home, and it was cozier than any hole in the ground.

For Parents: What Stoic Quote Does This Story Illustrate?

“The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting. The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”

Marcus Aurelius

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