“If you need a witness to your virtue, be your own.” — Epictetus
You’ve decided to train your mind in the philosopher’s gym, and you should be proud of any progress you’ve made. Strengthening your use of reason and gaining control of your impressions takes consistent, tough work.
But remember: your training probably won’t inspire change in those around you. It won’t bring you admiration or compliments. Most of what you’re learning would be misunderstood and mocked by the masses, anyway, even if you could explain it with perfect eloquence.
Let your own growth be the only gauge you use to identify success.
Others probably won’t notice or care about the improvements you’re making. But so what? Don’t let yourself daydream about becoming some wise sage who offers guidance to others; you have enough work just putting yourself on the right path.
There’s no need to boast about the road you’re following — just follow it. You’re the only audience you need, anyway.