by Bob Cymber

Stoicism and Politics

Most Stoics are aware of the famous “Dichotomy of Control.” In this view, there are things that are directly under our influence and things that are not directly under our influence (although those who know about modern Stoic William Irvine’s commentary realize that he allows for a third category: things that are partially under your control).

How can we employ the Dichotomy of Control when we hear about the news and politics?

In the United States, the political division between the two parties of government is often heightened by the news and media. Society seems like it is undergoing a transformation of social values based on a heightened awareness of injustices toward certain groups of people.

Stoicism news media

I remember learning about things like the Red Scare and the increased caution in using technology from the result of 9/11 and The Patriot Act. Within the past couple years or so, I have witnessed the media’s power firsthand.

From an outsider looking in, it is hard to find peace and tranquility with all of this happening. Sometimes it is hard when you hear about situations that are not within our control. Epictetus, in Discourses 3:18, provides some wisdom about how to react.

stoicism less emotional

“Whenever any disturbing news is brought to you, you should have this thought ready at hand: that news never relates to anything that lies within the sphere of choice… What does someone else’s evil have to do with you? Your own evil is to make a bad defense. That alone is what you need to guard against; but as to whether you’re condemned or acquitted, that is someone else’s business, and accordingly, someone else’s evil. ⎼ ‘So-and-so is making threats against you.’ ⎼ Against me? No. ⎼ ‘He’s criticizing you.’ ⎼ It’s for him to look to how he carries out his own business. ⎼ ‘He’s going to condemn you unjustly.’ ⎼ Poor wretch!”

I really love this passage and exchange. The humorous responses Epictetus gives to his fictional friend are pretty entertaining.

Even in ancient Rome, there were plenty of scandals and political drama. He took careful time to warn Stoics of the harms of hearing about other peoples’ business. This definitely applies to the “gossip round town” as well.

Epictetus Stoicism

It truly makes you reflect how contemporary people would act if they put Epictetus’ advice into practice. Some may object and say that if everybody applies Epictetus’ counsel, we would be in danger of living under an uncontested tyranny. I do not think this is what Epictetus advises here.

Epictetus, like the other ancient Stoics, realizes the importance of acting justly and according to a cosmopolitan human nature. If there is a possibility of true injustice, this is where there may be some justification in an intervention. Although, it is arguable that most news clickbait today deals with trivial matters in the grand scheme of a lifetime.

This brings up a relevant question each person needs to ask ourselves: “Where is the line I draw between media frivolity and the reporting of actual cases of societal injustices?” Epictetus seems to think that we need a strict, defined line of injustice instead of erring on the permissive side. This way, we are not in danger of acting impulsively toward things that do not deserve our energy.

Stoicism and Emotional Reactions

Moreover, the ubiquity of media tempts people from a particular political stance to rage against the apparent offender. In this arena, it is the classic sociological in-group versus the out-group. Many times, people will react within a few hours of the news report (without having investigated for truth or bias). With eloquence, Epictetus provides us with some advice in restraint:

“To suppose that we’ll be viewed with disdain by others if we don’t resort to every means to injure the first [political] enemies we encounter is the mark of thoroughly ignoble and foolish people; for we generally say that someone can be recognized as contemptible by, among other things, his incapacity to do harm, whereas it is much more by his incapacity to do good” (Fragment VII).

A lot of those who find themselves frustrated or fatigued by opposing political ideas can really benefit from these words. Has anyone ever attacked your character because you refused to concern yourself with an unhealthy political figure? Epictetus thinks that this refusal is not as detestable as someone who finds it impossible to do good deeds.

Rest assured that your avoidance of inconsequential political matters is in accordance with a rational, calm mind.

Bob Cymber is the founder of Stoic Coach, and he helps clients with personal development through trainings in resilience, purpose, and confidence.