“Everything you see will soon alter and cease to exist. Think of how many changes you’ve already seen; the world is nothing but change.” — Marcus Aurelius

stoicism changing world

The world isn’t ready for what’s coming . . . but it will come nonetheless.

That could be said about countless transitions in human history. But because of recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and other technologies, our world is changing more significantly — and more quickly — than for any generation before us.

Sadly, for a big percentage of the population — those who refuse to accept the inevitable, learn new things or reinvent themselves — the next few decades might be aggravating, confusing and even frightening.

Don’t exile yourself to that same sad island of inflexibility.

Technological advancement isn’t something you can change, so don’t waste time worrying or getting angry about it. Instead, accept that it’s going to happen and focus on being happy and productive in new, inevitable surroundings.

No matter how many “human” tasks AI learns to do better than us, it can’t take away our talents, passions, experiences and choices. We can still find joy in creating and nurturing things we love, regardless if machines can do the same stuff more quickly and with fewer flaws.

Try allowing some gratitude into your outlook, too, for being alive at such an amazing time in human history. We have the opportunity to learn more, live healthier, and experience stuff that our ancestors could never have imagined.