stoicism children's books

From The Stoic Fable Book by Phil Van Treuren

stoic fable book for kids 8

Listen to the Narration:

Squirrel visited Groundhog nearly every day, and they were the best of friends. But one morning Groundhog wasn’t feeling well, and he was rude to Squirrel and told her to go away.

Squirrel returned the next morning, carrying one of Groundhog’s favorite tubers as a gift.

“But I was rude to you, and I was a bad friend,” Groundhog said. “Why are you bringing me a gift?”

“Just because a friend acts badly, it doesn’t mean we must also be a bad friend to them,” Squirrel said. “You’d only do the same for me, if I were impatient with you one day.”

For Parents: What Stoic Quote Does This Story Illustrate?

“‘But he’s a bad father.’ Look, nature has endeared you to a father, not necessarily a good one. ‘My brother is unfair to me.’ Well then, keep up your side of the relationship; don’t concern yourself with his behavior, only with what you must do to keep your will in tune with nature.”


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