stoicism children's books

From The Stoic Fable Book by Phil Van Treuren

Stoic fable book for kids 29

Listen to the Narration:

Muskrat returned to his den on the creek bank to find that a branch had fallen and blocked the entrance. He tried his hardest to move it, but the branch was too heavy.

“Let me have a go at it,” said Beaver as he swam over to help. He climbed out of the water and started gnawing the branch in half.

“Thanks for deciding to help,” Muskrat said.

“It’s not just my choice, it’s also my duty,” Beaver said as he chewed at the wood. “We help ourselves by helping others, because that’s what we were made to do.”

For Parents: What Stoic Quote Does This Story Illustrate?

“To fulfill my social duty—to do my duty to my kind—I must feel a concern for all mankind.  I must remember that we humans were created for one another, that we were born, says Marcus, to work together the way our hands or eyelids do.”

William B. Irvine

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