stoicism children's books

From The Stoic Fable Book by Phil Van Treuren

stoic fable book for kids 20

Listen to the Narration:

Two mischievous raccoon brothers had disobeyed their mother, and she found them hiding from her in the woods. The first brother bolted away boldly, never hesitating or looking back.

The second brother, however, kept glancing behind him as he ran, and their mother caught him and gave him a thrashing.

The raccoon who had escaped returned later, and found his brother still recovering from the punishment.

“Turning to glance at troubles that are behind us just lets them slow us down,” the bold brother said. “Instead of looking back, you should exert yourself and keep moving forward.”

For Parents: What Stoic Quote Does This Story Illustrate?

“It is in vain to ruminate upon, or even reflect upon the authors or causes of our present misfortunes. We should rather exert ourselves to look forward with hopes, that some lucky chance may yet turn up in our favor.”

George Washington

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