Little Book of Stoic Quotes

“Whether they realized it or not, the actions of those who loved us in our youth are often more valuable than the written words of any ancient philosopher.” — Phil Van Treuren

How ancient Stoic philosophers actually regarded the emotion of love is often misunderstood by contemporary readers. As the quotes about love we share below illustrate, Stoicism isn’t about ridding ourselves of all emotions, but rather concentrating on only the good ones . . . and that, of course, includes love of our family, friends and other human beings.

Stoics believe that the reason we possess as human beings gives us the capacity to love others, so studying philosophy and becoming more wise gives us a better ability to express love. There aren’t a lot of quotes from Stoics that focus specifically on the topic of love, but those that do make it very clear: love is a good thing, not something to be avoided.

Stoic Quotes on Love

Loving others doesn’t make us weaker, but rather makes us stronger. Even hardened leaders like Marcus Aurelius learned during his time as emperor that learning how to love from others can make all of us live better lives and find more fulfillment.

Marcus Aurelius Stoic Quotes on Love

Stoic Quotes on Love from Marcus Aurelius

Not to display anger or other emotions. To be free of passion and yet full of love.

“From my brother Severus I learned to love my kin, and to love truth, and to love justice.”

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”

“Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.”

Epictetus Stoic Quotes on Love

Stoic Quotes on Love from Epictetus

“Whoever then understands what is good, can also know how to love; but he who cannot distinguish good from bad, and things which are neither good nor bad from both, can he possess the power of loving? To love, then, is only in the power of the wise.”

“Let no man think that he is loved by any who love no one.”

Seneca Stoic Quotes on Love

Stoic Quotes on Love from Seneca

“Joy comes to us from those whom we love even when they are absent. When present, seeing them and associating intimately with them yields real pleasure.”

“Nature bore us related to one another . . . she instilled in us a mutual love and made us compatible. Let us hold everything in common; we stem from a common source. Our fellowship is very similar to an arch of stones, which would fall apart, if they did not reciprocally support each other.”