“We get to decide for ourselves how things make us feel,” said the stock horse at last. “And that is good.”

The Stock Horse and the Stable Cat

The Fables of Eudaimonia is a series of books from Stoic Simple Press that introduces the most basic, life-changing concepts of Stoicism to a modern audience with charming stories and captivating artwork.

Stock Horse and Stable Cat Book
The first book in the Fables of Eudaimonia series <em>The Stock Horse and the Stable Cat<em> published in 2022

Click to Learn More: What Does “Eudaimonia” Mean?

The first book in the series, The Stock Horse and the Stable Cat, was authored by Phil Van Treuren and published in 2022. It tells the story of a faithful stock horse and a wily stable cat whose unlikely friendship teaches them to see the world through each other’s eyes.

Fables of Eudaimonia

Future additions to the series will include A Dog Who Follows Gladly and The Rooster and the Nesting Hutch, both of which are slated for publication in 2023.